EASA A320 First Officer Employment for Low Time Type Rated Pilots

EASA A320 First Officer Employment for Low Time Type Rated Pilots

PublishedPublished: Published today
ExpiresExpires: Expiring in less than 4 weeks

Aircraft type

A320 Family



Areas of operation


Pilots will receive an employment contract upon completion of the first 100 hours and the First Officer Line Check including:

  • €5,500 Euros gross monthly salary during the Summer Season
  • €3,000 Euros gross monthly salary during the Winter Season
  • €10 Euros net per hour
  • Single occupancy housing
  • 21 day ON / 9 day OFF duty pattern
  • Airfare
  • Pilots are under a standard employment contract during the Airline's OCC and first 100 hours including single occupancy housing
  • This is a permanent employment contract not limited to any specific amount of hours so pilots can complete a lot more than 500 hours on type and remain employed with the airline for as long as they wish

For the past 29 years, Eagle Jet International has specialized in providing A320 First Officer experience and employment with its network of contracted EASA partner airlines to EU pilots holding the EASA license. No other company has our expertise when it comes to low time pilots EASA A320 First Officer programs and employment in Europe.


  • EASA License with A320 Type Rating
  • EU Passport
  • A-UPRT Certificate
  • No Minimum Flight Time Requirement
  • Training Fee